About Us
Our Patients Are Our Inspiration
Our mission is to provide our patients with the best possible care to maximize their strengths,
enable them to reach their fullest potential, and enhance quality of life.
We work closely with your physician to ensure the best possible rehabilitation outcome.

Our Story

Upon relocating to Alamogordo in 1995, Pam Gallien opened a small speech contracting business serving Zia Therapy and the Alamogordo Public School. In 1996, she sublet a small room from Southwest Hearing in the Medical Arts Plaza on 10th Street and started her private practice, Digame Speech Language Consultants. She saw outpatients of all ages, joined the medical staff at Gerald Champion Hospital where she served as a speech therapist for approximately 18 years. She also provided services to the Alamogordo Public Schools, Alamogordo Home Care, and Betty Dare Good Samaritan. As the business grew, she moved to a small office on Hawaii. It was there that Physical Therapist Ronald Gallien joined the practice and Gallien Therapy was born. They practiced in that office until the completion of their building at 1809 Indian Well. As the practice continued to expand, the decision was made to add additional therapists to help meet the needs of the local communities. In 2018, the decision to expand the pediatric practice to include pediatric occupational therapy was made. The Indian Wells clinic could not accommodate this expansion, so the German Community Center at 1451 Galway was purchased to house Gallien Therapy’s Speech and Occupational Clinic. Since its inception, Gallien Therapy has strived to meet the needs of the local communities, including the mission of Holloman Air Force Base.
We are grateful to the Tularosa Basin and HAFB for allowing us to serve your therapy needs for the past 27 years.

Pam Gallien
Pam Gallien graduated with a Master’s degree in Speech-Language Pathology from Lamar University in Beaumont, TX, in August 1993. Her clinical fellowship year was spent at Southeast Texas Rehab Hospital. She received training in such areas as traumatic brain injury, dysphasia, and neurological disease. After moving to Alamogordo in 1994, she began a private practice serving patients of all ages She has served the Tularosa Basin by offering a full range of diagnostic and treatment services designed to aid those with communication and swallow difficulties. Pam loves participating in continuing education classes to keep current on the latest evaluations and treatment activities. She has earned three ACE awards from the American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA), for her commitment to lifetime learning. Her current trainings include Ampcare for dysphagia treatment; McNeill Dysphagia Therapy, Beckman Oral Motor Assessment and Intervention, and SPEAK OUT program for Parkinson's. In her free time, she enjoys walking, hiking, and spending time with her family.

Ron Gallien
Ron Gallien earned his Physical Therapy degree from the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, TX, in August 1990. His work experience during the last 32 years has included outpatient rehab, acute care, and home health. Before moving to New Mexico, he served as a Clinical Therapist for a large orthopedic physician group in Southeast Texas. The focus of his past 25 years has been in treating orthopedic cases. He held Board Certification from the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties as an Orthopedic Specialist for 20 years. During the course of his career, he has attended numerous continuing education classes focusing on orthopedics. He is proud to have been able to serve Otero and Lincoln Counties over the past 27 years. In his off time, Ron enjoys a variety of outdoor activities including hiking, riding his ATV, and weight lifting.
Meet the Gallien Therapy Team
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